Monday, September 13, 2010

Crabs for breakfast

As many mornings as possible, I try to enjoy a mini-moment of life on the bay. Sometimes, it's just a peek out the back window to catch a glimpse of the high tide. But on leisurely mornings, it's a slow stroll - coffee cup in hand - all the way down to the end of our dock. The experience is always the same and always different. This morning, I discovered someone had fresh crab for breakfast. It wasn't me.

Obviously, I'm just not this MESSY of an eater. Good to know that the birds of Tampa Bay aren't boycotting crabmeat out of the Gulf ;)

Oh, and lately, we've been blessed with visits from faraway friends & family, along with a lil' bit of house projecting...yeah! I'll be writing it up soon enough.
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